What Was New With Icy Brian's FF7 Page?
This is more for my own reference than anything else.
December 1st, 2001
Fan Art
One piece by Manda.
One piece by Sky.
One piece by Stormy Strife.
One piece by Lady Sierra.
One piece by Sarah Hunt.
November 11th, 2001
"Shattered Dreams & Sleeping Pills Ch. 16-17" and "Dear Diary"
by WindWolf.
"To the Ends of the Earth Pt. 1 Ch. 5 & Pt. 2 Ch. 5" by Angel.
"Catching Glimpses Ch. 21" by Kiyara.
"Adversary Ch. 10" by Triad.
Fan Art
Thirteen pieces by Gemini Angel.
Seven pieces by SturzAlator.
Six pieces by Ryu-chan.
Five pieces by Manda.
Two pieces by Brittany.
Two pieces by Shera.
One piece by Maggie Sue.
One piece by Princess Virgo.
One piece by Sasami.
One piece by Wingeninqita.
October 31st, 2001
"Through the Looking Glass Ch. 20-24" and "Stay With Me Ch. 2-7" by
Lucrecia Marionette.
"A Promise Kept Ch. 2-15 & Epilogue" (Finished) by Karura.
"Order and CHAOS" by Jonatan L.
"These Three Days" by Luminaire.
"Orders" by Nyohah.
Fan Art
Two pieces by Rachel Young.
One piece by Gemini Angel.
One piece by Nico.
One piece by Wingeninqita.
October 13th, 2001
"Redemption Ch. 17-21" by Janet Monstwillo.
"Shattered Dreams & Sleeping Pills Ch. 13-15" by WindWolf.
"Measure Up" by Prositen.
"Fly With Me" by Malice Shaw.
"Valhalla Prologue & Ch. 1" by Cyris.
"Melted Roses Pt. 1" by Ani K.
Fan Art
One piece by Lady Jekyll.
One piece by StormyStrife.
One piece by Manda.
One piece by Janet Monstwillo.
September 30th, 2001
"Songs of a Lover," "Fratris Sanguineus," "Interlude," "Amans Ardens,"
and "Shinra Vignettes: Hojo, Scarlet, & Sephiroth" by Pip.
"Blades of Destiny Ch. 2-12 & Epilogue" by Brenton Braswell.
"Shattered Dreams & Sleeping Pills Ch. 11-12" by WindWolf.
"Adversary Ch. 9" by Triad.
"Mako Reaction Ch. 1" by AstralMage.
"A Promise Kept Ch. 1" by Karura.
"Goodbye, My Darling Valentine" by Valkyrie.
Fan Art
One piece by Nico.
September 9th, 2001
"Catching Glimpses Ch. 1-20" by Kiyara.
"Forbidden Love: The Story of Vincent Valentine Ch. 8-10" (Finished)
by Leok.
"No. 2" by WindWolf.
"As the World Turns Ch. 1" by Wingeninqita.
"Blades of Destiny Ch. 1" by Brenton Braswell.
Fan Art
Four pieces by Meredith.
Three pieces by Manda.
Two pieces by StormyStrife.
One piece by Fujin.
One piece by Knightstar.
August 24th, 2001
"Adversary Ch. 1-8" by Triad.
"Look At Me" by Luminaire.
"Forbidden Love: The Story of Vincent Valentine Ch. 6-7" by Leok.
"Judgement and Retribution Prologue & Ch. 1-5" by Adam Jones and
Samuel Gayton.
"Legend of the Seven Swords Ch. 1" by Indigloman.
Fan Art
Three pieces by Luminaire.
Two pieces by Annie Felis.
One piece by Nico.
August 9th, 2001
"Ghosts of the Past, Phantoms of the Future Ch. 3" -- Cold Fusion
"Breathe the Dust" and "Shinra Monologues: Reeve and Elena" by Tini.
"Final Fantasy VII: The Alternate Reality Prologue & Ch. 1" by
Conor McCloud.
"Losing Myself Ch. 1-2" by StormyStrife.
"To Forgive Prologue & Ch. 1" by Rozalynn.
Fan Art
Five pieces by Manda.
Three pieces by Karura.
Two pieces by Vortecks.
August 2nd, 2001
"Redemption Ch. 9-16" by Janet Monstwillo.
"Legacy of the Past Prologue & Ch. 1-4" by Nemo.
"Forbidden Love: The Story of Vincent Valentine Ch. 4-5" by Leok.
July 26th, 2001
"Ghosts of the Past, Phantoms of the Future Ch. 2" -- Cold
"To the Ends of the Earth Pt. 1 Ch. 4 & Pt. 2 Ch. 4" by
"Further Fantasy 7 Pt. 4-5" by RyokuMas.
"Come To Terms Prologue" and "Spawn of the Project Prologue" by
Fan Art
Four pieces by Anithin.
Four pieces by Vortecks.
Two pieces by Helene Castaing.
One piece by Amy Simmonds.
One piece by SonicBlade.
July 19th, 2001
"Ghosts of the Past, Phantoms of the Future Ch. 1" -- Cold Fusion.
"Evolution of Innocence Ch. 13-16" and "Redemption Ch. 1-8" by Janet
Fan Art
Seven pieces by StormyStrife.
Three pieces by Regine Skrydon.
Three pieces by Vortecks.
July 12th, 2001
Removed links to dead pages and pages that are no longer updated.
"The Lights Are On... Ch. 1" -- Cold Fusion.
"My View From the Window Ch. 3-5" by Prism Angel.
"Shattered Dreams & Sleeping Pills Ch. 9-10" by WindWolf.
Fan Art
Three pieces by Manda.
One piece by Robert.
July 5th, 2001
"Hel & Back Ch. 10-11" by Dino Pollard.
"Further Fantasy 7 Pt. 1-3" by RyokuMas.
June 18th, 2001
"Shadows of the Past Ch. 7-18" (Finished), "Balance of Power," "I
Want to Live," "The Date," "The Edge of Twilight," and "The Great Mousse
Adventure" by Frank Verderosa.
"Evolution of Innocence Ch. 5-12" by Janet Monstwillo.
"Musings From a God" by Alex Weitzman.
"Shattered Dreams & Sleeping Pills Ch. 5-8" by WindWolf.
"My View From the Window Ch. 1-2" by Prism Angel.
"Forbidden Love: The Story of Vincent Valentine Ch. 1-3" by Leok.
"Desire Unfulfilled: Vincent's Tale" by GrandLordMagus.
"Monster" by Luminaire.
"Forgotten Causes" by The Palagoon.
Fan Art
Two pieces by Manda.
Two pieces by Chandheeb Rajakumar.
One piece by Anime-ker.
May 23rd, 2001
"Evolution of Innocence Ch. 1-4" by Janet Monstwillo.
"To the Ends of the Earth Pt. 1.3 & Pt. 2.3" by Angel.
"Shattered Dreams & Sleeping Pills Ch. 1-4" by
"Final Fantasy VII: The Novel Ch. 1" by Michael S. Beck.
"The Search for the Ancient Materia Ch. 2" by Seth Downey.
Fan Art
Three pieces by Gina-Su Prower.
Two pieces by Chandheeb Rajakumar.
Two pieces by Tim Brown.
One piece by Helene Castaing.
One piece by Dawn.
One piece by Sarah.
March 31st, 2001
"Vigil" by Mads.
"Activities" by Prositen.
Fan Art
One piece by Aimo.
Two pieces by Gina-Su Prower.
One piece by Krazy Sam.
March 15th, 2001
Before you start getting into everything, please read my message on
the main update page.
Revamped the main page. All game information (character pages,
walkthroughs, armor lists, etc) can now be found in the
Information section.
"Final Crisis" by Alex Weitzman.
"Carnival Lights" by Wallwalker Fanatic.
"Final Fantasy VII: Legacy Ch. 3" by Melissa McClendon.
"To the Ends of the Earth Pt. 1.1-1.2 & Pt. 2.1-2.2" by Angel.
"Rites of Passage Prologue & Ch. 1-4" by Carmilla.
"New Age Ch. 3" by JaoDragon.
"Through Her Eyes" by Quistis Trepe.
Fan Art
Five pieces by Chandheeb Rajakumar.
Four pieces by Meredith.
Three pieces by Luminaire.
Two pieces by Lady Jekyll.
Two pieces by Clest Elnith.
Two pieces by Helene Castaing.
Two pieces by Ellone28.
Two pieces by Kalla Moonshado.
Two pieces by Mojoro.
Two pieces by Weanne.
One piece by Minako Kenshou.
One piece by Asuka.
One piece by PeaceMaker.
One piece by VirusQ.
One piece by Ari.
One piece by Anthony Carpenter.
One piece by Mike Blackman.
One piece by Jason Tremblay.
One piece by Seph_girl.
One piece by Raincrystal.
One piece by Gina-Su Prower.
One piece by HentaiShoujo.
One piece by Dragon Princess.
One piece by Ryan Blandy.
One piece by Alfred Romo.
One piece by William Wahn.
December 13th, 2000
"A Rose By Any Other Name Ch. 13-18 & Epilogue" (Finished) by
"Through the Looking Glass Ch. 14-19" and "Stay With Me Prologue &
Ch. 1" by Lucrecia Marionette.
"Hel & Back Ch. 1-9" by Dino Pollard.
"The Ninth Silence" and "Cid Gets His Tea" by Princess Artemis.
"Nightmares of the Soul Prologue & Ch. 1-2" and "Sanctuary Ch.
1-2" by Iridal.
"The Dark Fleet Ch. 2-4" by Dan Schmidt.
"After the Midnight" and "Master..." by Nightsong.
"Martyr" by Joelle Thomas.
"Master of Broken Playthings Ch. 2" by Zabel.
"Clear as Fog" and "Will You Be Waiting" by Sydney SAMA.
"Always There" by Lesley Gillaspie.
"Emotions Run Dry" by OzzMan.
"Final Fantasy VII: X Ch. 1" by Daniel Yagoub.
"Final Fantasy VII: ARMAGEDDON Ch. 2" by CB.
"Duty" by Jakesnake.
"New Age Ch. 2" by JaoDragon.
"Ultimate Final Fantasy Ch. 1-2" by Courtney Serwan.
"The Planet's Children Pt. 1" by White Chapel.
"A Promise Written in the Stars" and "In the Mind of a Maniac" by
"Someday" by Randy Law.
"Insurrection Ch. 5" by Adam Jones.
Two Vid-Fics by PhoenixStar.
Fan Art
Two pieces by Rachel Young.
Seven pieces by Anithin.
One piece by Catherine Wu.
One piece by Lady Jekyll.
Two pieces by PeaceMaker.
One piece by Helene Castaing.
Two pieces by LightSoul.
One piece by Knil.
One piece by Emerald_Mara85.
August 10th, 2000
"Through the Looking Glass Ch. 10-13" by Lucrecia Marionette.
"A Rose By Any Other Name Ch. 10-12" by Mintbaby.
"Children of Chaos Prologue & Ch. 1-4" by Cruel Angel.
"Betrayed Trust Ch. 1-2" by Trptcox.
"The Search for the Ancient Materia Prologue & Ch. 1" by Seth
"New Age Ch. 1" by JaoDragon.
Fan Art
One piece by Allme.
One piece by Samantha Rodgers.
June 29th, 2000
"Appointment With Destiny Ch. 2-38" (Finished) by T'Shael.
"Shadows of the Past Ch. 1-6" by Frank Verderosa.
"Through the Looking Glass Ch. 3-9" and "The End of an Age and the
Start of an Era Ch. 6" (Finished) by Lucrecia Marionette.
"Demon Gate Ch. 4" by Icy Brian.
"A Rose By Any Other Name Ch. 1-9" by Mintbaby.
"Friends" by Alex Weitzman.
"Final Fantasy VII: 25 Years After the Fact Ch. 5" by The Ionic
"The Dark Fleet Ch. 1" by Dan Schmidt.
"Hel & Back Prologue" by Dino Pollard.
"Yuffie's Journey Ch. 4" by Chris Homer.
"The Aeneas Factor" by Joelle Thomas.
"Payback's a Bitch 2: Redemption Ch. 7-8" by Joe L.
"Birth of a God" by Serena Lee.
"Northern Lights" by Tini.
"Hope in Love Ch. 1-14" and "Déjà Vu" by Sorceress
"Aerith, Dreaming of Forever" by Aerith's Man.
"Soldier Boy" by Shera.
"New Odyssey Prologue & Ch. 1" by John Wendler.
"Aeris' Resurrection Pt. 1-2", "Destiny", and "Silencing the Memories"
by Kristi Lockheart.
"Curse of the Highwind" and "Neglect" by LightSoul.
"My Fellow Dragnierians II Prologue & Ch. 1-2" by Fred Delles.
"Guided by Starlight" by Tifa Strife.
"Final Fantasy VII: ARMAGEDDON Prologues 1-2 & Ch. 1" by CB.
"The Failure's Mistake Ch. 1-2" by J-Ka.
"Final Fantasy 7 Generations: The Summoned Ch. 1-2" by Dark Shadow.
"The New Turk" by Clara.
"Can We Forget the Things I Did When I Was Drunk Ch. 1" by Rydia Paige
& Lucca the Great.
"Last Chapter" by DarkMoogle.
"Betrayed Trust Prologue" by Mahler-trptcox.
"Angel of Light Pt. 1" by C.D. Rich.
"Insurrection Prologue & Ch. 1-4" by Adam Jones.
"Master of Broken Playthings Ch. 1" by Zabel.
"New Age Prologue" by JaoDragon.
"Boy Battle Ch. 2" by Tj1202.
One poem by Nightsong.
Fan Art
Two pieces by Saskia Lemke.
One piece by Catherine Wu.
One piece by Rachel Young.
One piece by Nichole.
One piece by Tifa Lockhart.
One piece by Daz.
Three pieces by ZealPropht.
One piece by Helene Castaing.
One piece by Athana Soulfire.
Updated the Artwork section.
April 3rd, 2000
"Reunion Ch. 10-31 & Epilogue" by Janet Monstwillo (Finished).
"To Those Who Believe" and "An Affair of the Heat and Soul Ch. 43-63"
by Meriko Robert (Finished).
"Underground Empire Ch. 9-10" by Dan Schmidt (Finished).
"Through the Looking Glass Ch. 1-2" and "The End of an Age and the
Start of an Era Prologue & Ch. 1-5" by Lucrecia Marionette.
"Love and Life" by Medina.
"Yuffie's Journey Ch. 2-3" by Chris Homer.
"Payback's a Bitch 2: Redemption Ch. 4-6" by Joe L.
"The Second Saga Ch. 5-7" by Whitney Burles.
"So Here I Am" by Serena Lee.
"Heartbreak in Nibelheim" and "Yuffie's Diary" by Sorceress
"Appointment With Destiny Ch. 1" by T'Shael.
"The Junon - Wutai War Ch. 5-6" by Cid Highwind.
"Unrequited Love" and "Love Lies Bleeding Ch. 1" by Pip.
"Grand Spark Prologue & Ch. 1" by Master Tonberry.
"Blood Lines Ch. 2" by Stuart Hardy.
"The Honey Bee Inn Incident" by Quistis Trepe.
"Criss-Cross Crisis Ch. 1" by Rydia Paige & Lucca the Great.
"Master of Broken Playthings Prologue" by Zabel.
"The Turks: Regrets and Consequences Pt. 1" by Luke Taylor.
"Boy Battle Ch. 1" by Tj1202.
"HeroHaven Ch. 5" by Ron Brown.
One poem by Calabrena.
Fan Art
Two pieces by Sky.
Three pieces by Rachel Young.
Two pieces by Nikki.
Two pieces by Nichole Baiel.
Three pieces by LightSoul.
One piece by Jamie McAndrew.
One piece by Anthony Carpenter.
January 1st, 2000
"An Affair of the Heart and Soul Ch. 1-42" by Meriko Robert.
"Last Exit for the Lost Ch. 38-40" by Damodred.
"Underground Empire Ch. 8" by Dan Schmidt.
"Bizarre Occurances Ch. 30 & Epilogue" by Dino Pollard
"Turk Pride" by Tini.
"Yuffie's Little Escapade" by Tini.
"The Second Saga Ch. 1-4" by Whitney Burles.
"Tifa's Diary" by Sorceress Fantasia.
"Syptoms That Appear When You Play Too Much of FF7" by Sorceress
"Exile of the Heart" by Maverick Hunter Zero.
"Phase Shift Ch. 10" by Darkfyre.
"HeroHaven Ch. 4" by Ron Brown.
Three poems by Kainen.
One poem by Kessarine.
One poem by Lady Orerinia.
Fan Art
Fifteen pieces by Meriko Robert.
One piece by Sky.
One piece by John Joseco.
One piece by Matthias.
December 25th, 1999
Added "Reunion Ch. 4-9" by Janet Monstwillo to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Atonement Prologue & Ch. 1-10" by Faye Locke to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "Because It's Our Job: The Story of the Turks Ch. 1-3" by Vegita
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Gateways Ch. 1" by Shnuff to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Burning Enmity Pt. 2" by The 'G Man to the FF7 Fanfic
Added one piece of fan art by Bixy-chan to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
November 25th, 1999
Added "The Mind Slayers Ch. 31-36" by Frank Verderosa to the FF7 Fanfic
Library (Finished.)
Added "Underground Empire Ch. 6-7" by Dan Schmidt to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Color of Blood Ch. 16" by Brady Bryner, Bill Shofstall,
& Anthony McKinley to the FF7 Fanfic Library (Finished.)
Added "The Revolution Ch. 4" by Psyche_81 to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "All Roads Lead to Love" by Nanaki Lioness to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "A Labor of Love" by Meriko Robert to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Second Incarnation Pt. 12-19" by Shelly Ichishita to the
FF7 Fanfic Library (Finished.)
Added one piece of fan art by Sky to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
Added three pieces of fan art by Son Gosai to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
November 8th, 1999
Added "Underground Empire Ch. 5" by Dan Schmidt to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Bizarre Occurances Ch. 29" by Dino Pollard to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Sephiroth and Zack," "The Strength of Rufus Shinra," and "Memories
of Sephiroth" by Clone of Sephiroth to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Payback's a Bitch 2: Redemption Ch. 2-3" by Joe L. to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "A Secret Wish Ch. 7" by Bill Carns to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
November 1st, 1999
Added "Reunion Prologue & Ch. 1-3" by Janet Monstwillo to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Bizarre Occurances Ch. 25-28" by Dino Pollard to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Depths of Demons Ch. 2-10" by Chessidy to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Redemption" by Aujang Abadi to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Rising to Glory Prologue & Ch. 1-8" by Elena of the Turks
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Revolution Ch. 1-3" by Psyche_81 to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Yuffie's Journey Ch. 1" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Final Fantasy: GENESIS Ch. 1" by Cruel Angel to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Awakening" by Yuri Daragon to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Blood Lines Ch. 1" by Stuart Hardy to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Gateways Prologue" by Shnuff to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Second Incarnation Pt. 11" by Shelly Ichishita to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added four pieces of fan art by CloudIFF7 to the FF7 Fan Art
Added one piece of fan art by Zachary Philip to the FF7 Fan Art
Added one piece of fan art by Psycho Kiwi to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
September 28th, 1999
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Resurrection Ch. 16-20" by Janet Monstwillo
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Bizarre Occurances Ch. 22-24" by Dino Pollard to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Depths of Demons Ch. 1" by Chessidy to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Second Incarnation Pt. 10" by Shelly Ichishita to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added one poem by ZealPropht to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added two poems by Kainen to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one piece of fan art by Anthoney Billings to the FF7 Fan Art
September 22nd, 1999
Added "Color of Blood Ch. 15" by Brady Bryner, Bill Shofstall, &
Anthony McKinley to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Phase Shift Ch. 8-9" by Darkfyre to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Sephiroth's Side of the Story Ch. 2" by J to the FF7 Fanfic
Added three pieces of fan art by Saskia Lemke to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
September 14th, 1999
Added "Bizarre Occurances Ch. 20-21" by Dino Pollard to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Resurrection Ch. 12-15" by Janet Monstwillo
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Payback's a Bitch 2: Redemption Ch. 1" by Joe L. to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "The Second Incarnation Pt. 7-9" by Shelly Ichishita to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A Night in Heaven" by Matt Taylor to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A Dark Past Ch. 1" by Surge to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
August 26th, 1999
Added "Crystal Bits of Snowflake" and "Fall of an Angel" by Nanaki
Lioness to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Underground Empire Ch. 4" by Dan Schmidt to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Mako Crossover Ch. 14-15 & Epilogue" by Chris Homer to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Color of Blood Ch. 14" by Brady Bryner, Bill Shofstall,
& Anthony McKinley to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Conflict Ch. 5-6" by MoxjetFF7 to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Diverging Paths Ch. 7-8 & Thoughts" by Link Kokori to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Junon - Wutai War Ch. 4" by Cid Highwind to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Phase Shift Prologue & Ch. 1-7" by Darkfyre to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "Last of the Ancients Ch. 3-4" by Ken Roberts to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Sephiroth's Side of the Story Ch. 1" by J to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Yaoi" by Seriphin to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one poem by Sisters to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one poem by Aeris Strife to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added four pieces of fan art by Nikki to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
Added one piece of fan art by Cody Blanchard to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
August 10th, 1999
Added "Wages of Sin" by Taran to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Legacy Ch. 2" by Melissa McClendon to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A Secret Wish Ch. 6" by Bill Carns to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Junon - Wutai War Ch. 3" by Cid Highwind to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Last of the Ancients Ch. 2" by Ken Roberts to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Aftermath and a New Adventure Scene 5" by Starphoenix to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
August 7th, 1999
Added "The Color of Blood Ch. 8-13" by Brady Bryner, Bill Shofstall,
& Anthony McKinley to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Mako Crossover Ch. 8-13" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Displacement Ch. 2" by Wallwalker Fanatic to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "A Moment of Happiness" by Yuri Daragon to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Cloudy Days Ch. 1" by Cruel Angel to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Last of the Ancients Ch. 1" by Ken Roberts to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Painful Memories Ch. 1" by Kallinite to the FF7 Fanfic
Added five poems by Kainen to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one piece of fan art by F. Moore to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
August 2nd, 1999
Added "Final Fantasy VII: 25 Years After the Fact Ch. 4" by The Ionic
Butterfly to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Resurrection Ch. 8-11" by Janet Monstwillo
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Great Revenge" and "The Great Revenge Part 2: The Cloud
Wars" by Limited Moon to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A Fanfic Reader's Worst Nightmare: The Personality Gap" by
Minmei to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Generations Book One, Ch. 1-3" and "Final
Fantasy VII: Generations Book Two, Ch. 1-9" by Michelle Pomroy to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy 7 Episode 1: The Great War" by Ragnarok to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Second Incarnation Pt. 6-7" by Shelly Ichishita to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Legacy Ch. 1" by Melissa McClendon to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Burning Enmity Pt. 1" by The 'G Man to the FF7 Fanfic
Added one poem by Taran to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one piece of fan art by Son Gosai to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
July 26th, 1999
Added "Demon Gate Ch. 3" by Icy Brian to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Color of Blood Ch. 2-7" by Brady Bryner, Bill Shofstall,
& Anthony McKinley to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Blue Oblivion" and "Lost Tears Prologue & Ch. 1-5" by Sydney
SAMA to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Underground Empire Ch. 1-3" by Dan Schmidt to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Mako Crossover Ch. 6-7" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "FFVII: The Return Ch. 12-17" by Patrick McMinn to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "To Die Unloved Pt. 2" by Sarah A. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Downward Spiral Prologue, Ch. 1-9, & Interlude" by Faye
Locke to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A New Problem Pt. 6" by Lancer to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added three pieces of fan art by Matthias to the FF7 Fan Art
Added one piece of fan art by Bixy-chan to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
Added two pieces of fan art by Jacky Long to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
July 15th, 1999
Added "Final Fantasy VII: 25 Years After the Fact Ch. 3" by The Ionic
Butterfly to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Bizarre Occurances Ch. 2-19" by Dino Pollard to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Square Wars: The Galbadian Menace Ch. 1" by WarChild to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Color of Blood Ch. 1" by Brady Bryner, Bill Shofstall,
& Anthony McKinley to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "FFVII: Resurrection Ch. 4-7" by Janet Monstwillo to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "Mako Crossover Ch. 2-5" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "A Secret Wish Ch. 5" by Bill Carns to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Conflict Ch. 4" by MoxjetFF7 to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Heart of Gold" by Nanaki Lioness to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Displacement Prologue And Ch. 1" by Wallwalker Fanatic to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Second Incarnation Pt. 3-5" by Shelly Ichishita to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one poem by MystcAeris to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one piece of fan art by Young Wang to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
Added two pieces of fan art by Stephanie McCrea to the FF7 Fan Art
Added three pieces of fan art by BaKawaii ParaPara to the FF7 Fan
Art Gallery.
Added one piece of fan art by Schlappy to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
Added the Movies section along with nine movies.
Added four new sections to the Walkthrough.
June 30th, 1999
Added "Shinra Reborn" by Dan Schmidt to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Color of Blood Prologue" by Brady Bryner, Bill Shofstall,
& Anthony McKinley to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Conflict Prologue & Ch. 1-3" by MoxjetFF7 to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Every Single RPG and RPG Crossover in Existence" by Black to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "To Die Unloved Pt. 1" by Sarah A. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Second Incarnation Pt. 2" by Shelly Ichishita to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added two poems by FallenAngel13 to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
June 26th, 1999
Added "Venus Gospel" and "The Thief of Hell" by Princess Artemis to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A Coma By Any Other Name" by Denise Cameron to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Diverging Paths Ch. 3-6" by Link Kokori to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Junon - Wutai War Ch. 2" by Cid Highwind to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Second Incarnation Pt. 1" by Shelly Ichishita to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
June 19th, 1999
Added "The Great Sephiroth Ch. 5" by Mags to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: 25 Years After the Fact Ch. 2" by The Ionic
Butterfly to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Mako Crossover Prologue & Ch. 1" by Chris Homer to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Deus ex Jenova Episodes 1-4" by Max Zhang to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Resurrection Prologue & Ch. 1-3" by
Janet Monstwillo to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Payback's a Bitch Ch. 11" by Joe L. to the FF7 Fanfic
Added two pieces of fan art by Mags to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
Added one piece of fan art by Bryan Gross to the FF7 Fan Art
Added one piece of fan art by Schlappy to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
June 14th, 1999
Added "The Mind Slayers Ch. 11-30" by Frank Verderosa to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "A Secret Wish Prologue & Ch. 1-4" by Bill Carns to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Bizarre Occurances Ch. 1" by Dino Pollard to the FF7 Fanfic
Added four poems by Aeris Strife to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
June 1st, 1999
Sorry about the delay in this update. I've been swamped with finals
and other end-of-school stuff for the last week. The next update won't be
for at least a week or so, because I'm leaving for vacation on Thursday.
Added "Northern Energy" by Denise Cameron to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: The Return Ch. 8-11" by Patrick McMinn to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Quest for the Jade Monkey" by Serpent231 to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Cloud's Future" by Lisa Moses to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added three pieces of fan art by Nikki to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
Added one piece of fan art by Rage to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
May 22nd, 1999
Added "Last Exit for the Lost Ch. 36-37" by Damodred to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Nanaki and the Fallen Angel Ch. 1-16" by Brady Bryner, Bill
Shofstall, & Anthony McKinley to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Must See RPG" by DK to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: The Return Ch. 5-7" by Patrick McMinn to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet Pt. 2" by Adot Hariman to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Return of Meteor Pt. 13-14" by Izlude Tingel to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
May 19th, 1999
Added "Helping Hands" by Mintbaby to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Truth of the Past Ch. 2-3" by Beth Lockheart to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Materia Hunt Ch. 1-2" and "Diverging Paths Prologue & Ch.
1-2" by Link Kokori to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
May 14th, 1999
Added "Cruel Ch. 1-4" by Firey Femme to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A Secret Conflict Prelude 5" by Azure Angel to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Junon - Wutai War Ch. 1" by Cid Highwind to the FF7 Fanfic
May 7th, 1999
Added one piece of fan art by Wendy to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
April 30th, 1999
Added "The Final Sacrifice" by Sydney Kyle to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Blood and Fire" by DK to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Nanaki and the Fallen Angel Prologue" by Brady Bryner,
Bill Shofstall, & Anthony McKinley to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: The Return Prologue, Ch. 1-4, & Interludes
1-3" by Patrick McMinn to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Second Way to Conquer Ch. 2" by ChocoboSage to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one poem by Taran to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
April 25th, 1999
Added "Payback's a Bitch Ch. 9-10" by Joe L. to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Biggs' Story" by J-Ultima to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one piece of fan art by Rage to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
April 21st, 1999
Added "Tifa vs. Aeris Ch. 8-10" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Great Sephiroth Ch. 4" and "Final Fantasy Deathmatch: Special
Collector's Turbo-Crap Edition" by Mags to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
April 17th, 1999
Added "Demon Gate Ch. 2" by Icy Brian to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Last Exit for the Lost Ch. 1-35" by Damodred to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Square Wars: Leaving a New Hope," "Square Wars: The Shinra
Strikes Back," and "Square Wars: The Return of the Paladin" by WarChild to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Bitter Ash" by Maila to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A Sunday Outing" by Ra'ed Jarrah to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet Pt. 1" by Adot Hariman to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Totally Redid the Store. Check it out!
March 28th, 1999
Added "Tifa vs. Aeris Ch. 7" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "A Secret Conflict Pt. 6" by Hyper Angel to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Payback's a Bitch Ch. 6-8" by Joe L. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
March 20th, 1999
Added "The Great Sephiroth Ch. 2-3" by Mags to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Parasite Eve Meets Final Fantasy VII Ch. 4-6" by Desiree K.
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Return of Meteor Pt. 12" by Izlude Tingel to the FF7 Fanfic
Added one piece of fan art by Zelda3345 to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
March 6th, 1999
Added "Payback's a Bitch Ch. 5" by Joe L. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Parasite Eve Meets Final Fantasy VII Ch. 2-3" by Desiree K.
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one piece of fan art by Cody Blanchard to the FF7 Fan Art
Added one piece of fan art by Zelda3345 to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
March 1st, 1999
Added "Final Battle Ch. 1-4" and "The Great Sephiroth Introduction
& Ch. 1" by Mags to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
February 20th, 1999
Changed the Background. Please let me know what you think of the new
Added "Tifa vs. Aeris Ch. 6" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Tifa's Journey Ch. 7" by Cloud to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "What If...: The Sleeping Forest" by Gasper S. Keltner to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
February 12th, 1999
Added "Deus ex Jenova" by Max Zhang to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Squaresoft/Back to the Future Ch. 6" by Fred Delles to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Truth of the Past Ch. 1" by Beth Lockheart to the FF7 Fanfic
Added one piece of fan art by Cody Blanchard to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
January 31st, 1999
Added "Tifa vs. Aeris Ch. 5" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
January 23rd, 1999
Added "AVALANCHE!" by Gabriel Broussard to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added one piece of fan art by Packrat to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
January 19th, 1999
Added "Aftermath and a New Adventure Scenes 3-4" by Starphoenix to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Return of Meteor Pt. 11" by Vincent Valentine to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
January 10th, 1999
Added "Final Fantasy VII: 25 Years After the Fact Ch. 1" by The Ionic
Butterfly to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
January 3rd, 1999
Added "Letting Go of the Past" by ZealPropht to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
January 1st, 1999
Added "Tifa vs. Aeris Ch. 4" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Tifa's Journey Ch. 6" by Cloud to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Parasite Eve Meets Final Fantasy VII Intro & Ch. 1" by
Desiree K. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Aftermath and a New Adventure Scene 2" by Starphoenix to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
December 25th, 1998
Added "Hojo's Legacy," "The Dark Shore," "Jenova's Disciples," and
"The Mind Slayers Ch. 1-10" by Frank Verderosa to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Demon Gate Ch. 1" by Icy Brian to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Last Letter" and "Tifa's Journey Ch. 1-5" by Cloud to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: 25 Years After the Fact Introduction" by
The Ionic Butterfly to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A New Beginning Ch. 2" by Shard 311 to the FF7 Fanfic
Added nine pieces of fan art by Young Wang to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
December 20th, 1998
Added "Tifa vs. Aeris Ch. 3" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Neo-Generation Prologue" by Panjea to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A Somewhat Different Christmas Carol" by Elice McCleod to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added two pieces of fan art by Zhin to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
Added two midis to the Music section.
Added link to 'Jelly's Final Fantasy VII Webpage.'
December 18th, 1998
Added "The Second Way to Conquer Prologue & Ch. 1" by ChocoboSage
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A New Beginning Ch. 1" by Shard 311 to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
December 16th, 1998
Added "FFVII: Twisted Ch. 30 & Epilogue" by Tamerine to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "Conflicts of Interest Pt. 2-5" by Madam Hydra to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Tifa vs. Aeris Ch. 1-2" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Legacy of the Hero" and "I Have Sinned" by Taran to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "The Quest Part 1 Ch. 1-12 & Epilogue" by Rick Brainard
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Payback's a Bitch Ch. 1-4" by Joe L. to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Aftermath and a New Adventure Scene 1" by Starphoenix to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added Quick Access links to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
December 11th, 1998
Added "Demon Gate Prologue & Introduction" by Icy Brian to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "FFVII: Twisted Ch. 28 Pt. 2-29" by Odessa to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Return of Meteor Pt. 9-10" by Vincent Valentine to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
December 1st, 1998
Added "The Midgar Ruins Pt. 4" by Chessidy to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Part 1: After Sephiroth's Defeat Ch. 1-10" by Danyal Herder
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added six pieces of fan art by Middletails to the FF7 Fan Art Gallery.
November 29th, 1998
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Shadows of Fear Ch. 6" by Pete Kniess to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "An Ultimate Quest Ch. 4-10" by Karura to the FF7 Fanfic
Added three new midis to the Music section.
Added link to 'Daniel's FF7 Sida.'
November 22nd, 1998
Added "Chrome Spark Ch. 8" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Cid Gainsborough" by Alex Weitzman to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Squaresoft/Back to the Future Ch. 5" by Fred Delles to the
CT Fanfic Library.
Added "The Return of Meteor Pt. 4-8" by Vincent Valentine to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added links to 'Palace of the Avalanche' and 'SOLDIER.'
November 18th, 1998
Added "The Midgar Ruins Pt. 3" by Chessidy to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Strangest Fanfic Ever Ch. 3 " by Cloud Ace & Tama214643
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Closed down the poll.
November 13th, 1998
Changed the format so it is more like that of my CT Page.
Added "Pathways of Foreboding Ch. 25, Epilogue, Afterthoughts, And
Credits" by Paul Nathans to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Tifa's Gone Pt. 2" by Mike H. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added link to 'Paul's FF7 Page.'
November 4th, 1998
Added "Chrome Spark Ch. 4-7" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
November 1st, 1998
Instituted new rules for submitting new fanfics. If you planned on
sending in new stories (this applies to existing authors as well), read the
message near the top of the Fanfic Library.
Added "The Return of Meteor Pt. 2-3," "Final Fantasy Deathmatch,"
and "Helloween Story 1" by Vincent Valentine to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The War of the Ancients Ch. 1" by Rock Bradley to the FF7 Fanfic
Added link to 'Sephiroth's World of Final Fantasy 7.'
October 19th, 1998
Added "Our Weapons of War are Mighty Ch. 4" by Gary M. Gandy to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Squaresoft/Back to the Future Ch. 3-4" by Fred Delles to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Sephiroth and the Animaniacs" & "Takeover" by Demonrainmaker
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
October 16th, 1998
Added "Pathways of Foreboding Ch. 23-24" by Paul Nathans to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Shadows of Fear Ch. 5" by Pete Kniess to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Midgar Ruins Pt. 1-2" by Chessidy to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Chronicles of The Turks: The Jenova Project" by MDuck9 to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
October 8th, 1998
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Shadows of Fear Ch. 4" by Pete Kniess to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Chrome Spark Ch. 3" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Tifa's Gone Pt. 1" by Mike H. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added link to 'Xeenlord's Final Fantasy VII Homepage.'
October 5th, 1998
Added "The Return of Meteor Pt. 1" and "Final Mario RPG 7 Pt. 1" by
Vincent Valentine to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "An Ultimate Quest Ch. 1-3" by Karura to the FF7 Fanfic
Added link to 'Adam's FF7 Site.'
September 30th, 1998
Added "The Anniversary" by Carlos P. Salvestrini to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Squaresoft/Back to the Future Prologue & Ch. 1-2" by Fred
Delles to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
September 28th, 1998
Added "Chrome Spark Ch. 2" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added ten new reviews by Paul Nathans to the Fanfic Reviews section.
September 24th, 1998
Added "The Devil" by MDuck9 to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Strangest Fanfic Ever Ch. 2" by Cloud Ace & Tama214643
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Updated Poll Results.
September 18th, 1998
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Shadows of Fear Ch. 3" by Pete Kniess to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Final Fantasy VII: The Beginning" by Kevin Widjaja to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "Chrome Spark Prologue & Ch. 1" by Chris Homer to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Fixed link to 'The City of the Ancients.'
September 17th, 1998
Added "Final Fantasy Chronicles Prologue & Ch. 1-7" by McSteven
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Day With Sephiroth" by Vincent Valentine to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Courtship of Yuffie Kisaragi" by Rock Bradley to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
September 15th, 1998
Added "Security Breach" by Fred Delles to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
September 13th, 1998
Added "Our Weapons of War Are Mighty Ch. 3" by Gary M. Gandy to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
September 6th, 1998
Added "Pathways of Foreboding Ch. 22" by Paul Nathans to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The True Sephiroth" by Vincent Valentine to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Legend of Cosmo Canyon: The Story of Nanaki" by Rock Bradley
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added link to 'Shinra Centraal Station.'
September 2nd, 1998
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Shadows of Fear Ch. 2" by Pete Kniess to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
August 31st, 1998
Added "Materia Chaos Ch. 4-5" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added link to 'Per's FF7 Site.'
August 28th, 1998
Added "Final Fantasy VII: Shadows of Fear Ch.1" by Pete Kniess to
the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "Materia Chaos Ch. 3" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added another midi to the music section.
August 26th, 1998
Added "Zango And The Jenova War Ch. 7" by Nanaki to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Materia Chaos Ch. 2" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "A New Problem Pt. 5" by Lancer to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "My 1-Day Adventure In Midgar" and "Aeris' Awakening" by Mike
H. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added fanart by zer0 to the Artwork & Pics section.
Added links to 'Florian's Final Fantasy VII FAQ, Secrets, and Strategies'
& 'Stoke's Final Fantasy VII PC Guide'.
August 23rd, 1998
Added "FF7: Twisted Chapter 28, Part 1" by Odessa to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Materia Chaos Ch. 1" by Chris Homer to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "The Strangest Fanfic Ever Ch. 1" by Cloud Ace & Tama214643
to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
August 19th, 1998
Added "Aerith's First Love Pt. 4" and "A Secret Conflict Preludes
3 & 4" by Hyper Angel to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Affair Pt. 2" by Mike H. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added links to 'Andrew's Final Fantasy VII Page' & 'Clive's Final
Fantasy VII Home Page'.
August 17th, 1998
Added "The Affair Pt. 1" by Mike H. to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added 4 midis to the Music section.
August 13th, 1998
Redid the Links Page.
Added link to 'Robert's Final Fantasy 7 & 8 Website'.
August 9th, 1998
Added "Final Fantasy 007: Jenova Never Dies" by Geode to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Quest For The White Materia" by Geode to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Final Fantasy Simpson Intro And Ch. 1-8" by Geode to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
August 6th, 1998
Added "Pathways of Foreboding Ch. 21" by Paul Nathans to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Zango And The Jenova War Ch. 3-6" by Nanaki to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Cloud's Past" by CronoZ5910 to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Updated Poll Results.
August 5th, 1998
Added "The Song of Summons" by Gabriel Broussard to the FF7 Fanfic
August 2nd, 1998
Added "Our Weapons of War Are Mighty Ch. 2" by Gary M. Gandy to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
July 29th, 1998
Added "Our Weapons of War Are Mighty Ch. 1" by Gary M. Gandy to the
FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "The Resurrection" by Sephirothz to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
July 27th, 1998
Added "Zango And The Jenova War Ch. 2" by Nanaki to the FF7 Fanfic
July 24th, 1998
Consolidated all character pages into one section.
Added "Time Rift Ch. 5" by Munky to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
July 23rd, 1998|
Added "Zango And The Jenova War Ch. 1" by Nanaki to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "This RESIDENT Is EVIL Ch. 1-2" by Jaden Corsair to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "Another Foe Ch. 1" by Dweeb99 to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added Link To 'Zaphiroth's FFVII Page.'
July 22nd, 1998
Moved The Site To Simplenet!
July 18th, 1998
Added "Jenova Project Part 1, Chapter 3, Part 1" by Junj to the FF7
Fanfic Library.
Added "Cloud Cover Pt. 3" by Junj to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
July 17th, 1998
Added Link To 'Panther's Final Fantasy Zone.'
Updated the Poll.
Updated Poll Results.
July 14th, 1998
Added "Another Foe Prologue" by Dweeb99 to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
July 13th, 1998
Added "Pathways Of Foreboding Ch. 20" by Paul Nathans to the FF7 Fanfic
July 9th, 1998
Added Link To 'Pacman's Final Fantasy VII Page'
July 8th, 1998
Added "FF7: Twisted Ch. 25-27" by Odessa to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
June 29th, 1998
Added "Time Rift Ch. 1-4" by Munky to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added "A New Problem Pt. 3" by Lancer to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Added Link To 'FFVII Fanfic/Fanart HQ'
June 25th, 1998
Added Fanart by Mara Jade and Bridgette to the Artwork Section.
June 18th, 1998
Added Section 10, "The Nightmare Begins" to the Walkthrough, and revamped
the other parts.
Added "Pathways Of Foreboding Ch. 19" by Paul Nathans to the FF7 Fanfic
Added "Time Rift Prologue" by Munky to the FF7 Fanfic Library.
Updated Poll Results.
Added 'What's New' section.
Icy Brian's Final Fantasy VII Page
This Page © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from this page without my consent. If you wish to contact an author, artist, reviewer, or any other contributor to the site, their email address can be found on their index page. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. Best viewed in 1024x768.