Ersatz Sobriquet

Greetings everyone! I thank you for coming to visit the stories here on my page. As you may notice, I'm starting this writing thing back up again, right here in the year 2001. My old stories from '99, well, just be weary of them. They don't at ALL have the same high quality in both writing style and originality as my newer ones, so read at your own risk! Anyway, feedback is ALWAYS encouraged and endorsed here, so don't hesitate to send some my way. I hope you enjoy the stories and keep the criticism alive!

Chrono Trigger Fanfiction
- Now, what you have to understand with this story is that I am experimenting with the myth ways of story writing. You know how they say that a story is told so many times, it changes? That's what this story is. All of the mistakes are there intentionally. Don't worry, I do know the true story of Chrono Trigger, but this is what happens when a story is told so many times. I also purposefully wrote this in a simple style. Thus, why it is so short. Comments welcome.
Glen - November 25th, 1999

ReviewableA Warrior's Bane- A little look into Crono's past, during a time of unforeseen occurrences and tragic consequences.
A Warrior's Bane  - February 1st, 2002

Final Fantasy Fanfiction
ReviewableChaotic Bloodlines
- This story is dealing with what I believe happened after the killing of CHAOS is complete in Final Fantasy 1. Unanswered questions are left so becaused I wished to deal with them in another story.
Chaotic Bloodlines - September 28th, 1999

ReviewableCompulsory Duty- This fanfic is describing the emotions some of the imps you fight in Final Fantasy 1 felt and why somethimes, they would run away in battle. This story is heavily influenced by George R. R. Martin's "Weekend In A Warzone" story.
Compulsory Duty - September 28th, 1999

Content Warning!!!150G- We all know that four warriors, each holding a grey orb were to come and rid the land of all that was evil. But, just how did these four warriors come to join together and where did they obtain such orbs? Read on to find out the answer.
Chapter 1 - October 31st, 2001
Chapter 2 - October 31st, 2001
Chapter 3 - October 31st, 2001
Epilogue - October 31st, 2001
Notes D'Auteur - October 31st, 2001

Final Fantasy 8 Fanfiction
ReviewableSo I Pulled- Deep feelings of resentment and anger are present throughout this dark tale of a person's feelings getting the better and influencing unforgivable actions.
So I Pulled - October 8th, 2002

ReviewableTo Appease The Gods- Trying to find deliverance from past errors - The unique efforts of one young man to find redemption from quite an unusual source.
To Appease The Gods - October 8th, 2002

Reviewable2012 AD- The little alien that made a real quick guest apperance had a bigger story than you might have thought.
2012 AD - July 17th, 2003

A Hero's Duty - December 25th, 1999
Forgotten Memories - December 25th, 1999
Intrepid Beauty - December 25th, 1999
Two Voices, One Soul - December 25th, 1999

Final Fantasy 9 Fanfiction
ReviewableThe Rain Never Touched Me- Some truths are harder to except than others. A short, introspective piece on a character less talked about from Final Fantasy IX.
The Rain Never Touched Me - October 13th, 2001

CT / Crystalis / FF / Secret of Evermore / Startropics Fanfiction
ReviewableNecessary Data
- This fanfic is a crossover from several games including Secret of Evermore, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Crystalis, and Startropics. It's not a silly fanfic, and the characters are there for a reason. It may seem cliche at first, but hopefully it won't seem that way at the end.
Necessary Data - September 28th, 1999

Chrono Trigger Fanfic
Crossover Fanfics
Final Fantasy Fanfic
Final Fantasy 8 Fanfic
Final Fantasy 9 Fanfic