
AOL Instant Messenger: SonicBlade 548

Hey. I'm Michael Collins, known around the net as Sonic Blade. Nightsong told me my old profile sucked, so I changed it. ~_^ I hope you enjoy my fiction and art. I don't spend quite as much effort on fan stuff as my original work, but it's still really time consuming. The other writers and artists on the page know what I mean.

As for me: I write, I compose music, I draw, I stand on my head for unnatural intervals of time, I have the strange ability to rant about cheese for hours on end, and I am known in the Inner Circles of Insanity as Monkeus, Brain Eating Ape God of JuJuJuJu.

Now, since you're intensely interested in me, (of course), you can check out my site and witness even more of my startling brilliance and profound wit. AFTER looking at my fantastic artwork and stunning fiction.


I'd also like to point out some really great authors and artists on Icy's page, so that they will worship me even more than they already do and I will get an intrinsic sense of well being from being a real nice person.

Bestest Authors Ever:
Mox Jet
Samara Secor
Annie Felis
Krazy Sam
Lavos Core--Eh. Wait a minute.

Bestest Artists Ever:
Krazy Sam

So there ya have it. I'll shut up now...But for one final plug, if you (write original fiction/write fanfiction/compose music/produce art/produce fanart) or (read original fiction/read fanfiction/like music/look at art/look at fanart) then you oughta check out the Fantasy Finale Arts Association at It's cool beans. Really!

Chrono Cross Fan Art

2001 Leena, waiting for Serge (65.3 KB)
Serge's portrait (52 KB)

Chrono Trigger Fan Art

2001 Crono from "Son of a Legend, Heart of a Killer" (136 KB)
Kain from "Son of a Legend, Heart of a Killer" (58.6 KB)
Kain from "Son of a Legend, Heart of a Killer" (78.9 KB)
Portrait of Kain from "Son of a Legend, Heart of a Killer" (76.9 KB)
Sylvra from "Son of a Legend, Heart of a Killer" (65.7 KB)
Sylvra in the streets of Arabel from "Son of a Legend, Heart of a Killer" (84.1 KB)

Final Fantasy 7 Fan Art

2001 Title pic for "Aerith, Dreaming of Forever" (44.1 KB)

Final Fantasy 9 Fan Art

2001 Zidane's Angel Bless sword (56.5 KB)

StarOcean 2 Fan Art

2001 A Star Ocean poster (91.4 KB)
Ashton (63.3 KB)
BARREL! (82.2 KB)
Dias' Air Slash Tech (119 KB)
Dias: Bitter (50.6 KB)
Dias' Crescent Beam (46.3 KB)
Dias' Insane Fury (110 KB)
Dias in the Nedian Arena (52.2 KB)
Rena and Dias fighting together (115 KB)
Rena in her wedding dress (60.8 KB)


2001 Cynewulf from "Xenogears: Dark Angel" (Nightsong) (82.3 KB)
Darell Shanning from "Xenogears: Dark Angel" (Nightsong) (66.5 KB)
Grey Terin from "Xenogears: Dark Angel" (Nightsong) (102 KB)
Meryl Sara from "Xenogears: Dark Angel" (Nightsong) (66.4 KB)
Terra Lyles from "Xenogears: Dark Angel" (Nightsong) (69.3 KB)

Chrono Cross Fan Art
Chrono Trigger Fan Art
Final Fantasy 7 Fan Art
Final Fantasy 9 Fan Art
StarOcean 2 Fan Art
Xenogears Fan Art

All artwork is copyright by its respective artist, and can not be used on another page without their direct permission; the artists' email addresses are located on their index page.

This Website © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from my page without my consent. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. This site is best viewed in 1024x768.