Heyla^_^V Oke, I hate introductions so I'll get the obligatory babble about m'self bit outta the way as quick as I can:-
Age: 19
Occupation: I work at E.B. at the mo, selling videogames, Ahhh, staff discounts are lovely^_~
Website: http://www.artoki.co.uk
Location: Zaibach ... erm ... I mean England, I'm a Yorkshire lass bar tat, Aye!
Interests: Anime (particularly CLAMP and Escaflowne), art (duh!), videogames (particulary Final Fantasy and Vagrant Story), buffy the vampire slayer, fantasy books (mostly Dragonlance, Mercedes Lackey and Wheel of Time), cute bishounen, mints (no, seriously, I *love* mints, I swear blind they help me draw!) being grouchy and cynical, sleeping, and of course world domination ^_~
There! All done, that wasn't so bad, was it^^ Now on wit' the show!
Final Fantasy 7 Fan Art
2001 | Aeris as Rapunzel (62 KB) Aeris (revisited) (76.2 KB) |
2000 | Aeris (42.8 KB) Red XIII (56.6 KB) Red XIII (color) (63.4 KB) Red XIII sleeping (42.1 KB) Tifa (24.3 KB) Vincent (31.3 KB) |
Final Fantasy 8 Fan Art
2001 | Rinoa and Squall (95.7 KB) |
2000 | Rinoa and Angelo (color) (38.4 KB) Seifer and Fujin (28.7 KB) |
1999 | Quistis Trepe (46.3 KB) Quistis Trepe (38.3 KB) Rinoa Heartilly (42.5 KB) Rinoa Heartilly (49 KB) Rinoa Heartilly (91.2 KB) Rinoa and Angelo (72.7 KB) Seifer Almasy (49.6 KB) Seifer Almasy (59.7 KB) Selphie Tilmett (49.7 KB) Squall Leonhart (17.8 KB) Squall: Lost and Found (46.8 KB) Squall and Rinoa (62.1 KB) Squall and Seifer: Thought Bubbles (45.8 KB) |
Final Fantasy 9 Fan Art
2001 | Freya (58.7 KB) Kuja (57.4 KB) |
Final Fantasy 10 Fan Art
2001 | Lulu (89.9 KB) Lulu (79.7 KB) |
Vagrant Story Fan Art
2001 | Rosencrantz (76.4 KB) |
2000 | Callo Merlose (29.8 KB) Sydney Losstarot (30.8 KB) Sydney Losstarot (32.9 KB) Sydney Losstarot (29.3 KB) |
Final Fantasy 7 Fan Art
Final Fantasy 8 Fan Art
Final Fantasy 9 Fan Art
Final Fantasy 10 Fan Art
Vagrant Story Fan Art
All artwork is copyright by its respective artist, and can not be used on another page without their direct permission; the artists' email addresses are located on their index page.
This Website © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from my page without my consent. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. This site is best viewed in 1024x768.