

Hi, my name is Hyun Jin. I'm 16 and currently in my Junior Year of High School. I'm a huge fan of RPGs, as well as many other game types. I'm Korean, and live down south in Martinez, Georgia.

My current favorite games are: Neverwinter Nights, Jak II, Max Payne II, the Final Fantasy series, Vanguard Bandits, the Megaman series (every single one of em), Half-Life (and it's numerous MODs) and Rise of Nations.

I've been drawing for quite a while now (2nd grade, actually...). Fan art isn't something that I do very often, but it's a lot of fun. I actually like drawing cartoons and visual gags more than serious/melodramatic stuff, but you probably won't be seeing much of that here... well, maybe a little. ^_^

My other interests and hobbies include playing jazz music on my sax, reading books, and watching and reviewing movies. I also love to see other's art work and enjoy reading online comics. Someday I'll start one... (I actually had one for a while, but school got in the way -_-;;)

Welp, that's enough about me. I hope you enjoy my artwork!

...and don't forget to e-mail me with comments on how to improve me artwork! I really enjoy getting feedback, whether it's positive or negative.

Final Fantasy 7 Fan Art

2003 Cloud (47.6 KB)

Final Fantasy Tactics Fan Art

2002 Agrias (26.2 KB)

Final Fantasy Crossover Fan Art

2003 Drunk FF guys (69.4 KB)

Vanguard Bandits Fan Art

2004 Bastion (31 KB)

Final Fantasy 7 Fan Art
Final Fantasy Tactics Fan Art
Vanguard Bandits Fan Art

All artwork is copyright by its respective artist, and can not be used on another page without their direct permission; the artists' email addresses are located on their index page.

This Website © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from my page without my consent. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. This site is best viewed in 1024x768.