I am the Demon and only the truly Demonic people actually understand me. I am 16 and live in the very cold city of Winnipeg Manitoba. I (like most of those reading this) love RPG'S and play them all the time. My page is Based on this if you would like to go there you can by clicking here. This is a page on RPG's. So enjoy my stories. There will be a lot more soon.
Chrono Trigger
Together- Marle
is in sorrow over the loss of Crono. She is makeing her dayly run to death
peak but something is wrong with her.
North Cape-
Magus awaits on a cliff for Crono's Team. Telling what was not told in the
game. We get more into Maguses inner self.
North Cape
Enemies Once
Again- Glenn and Magus fight out another battle (in there timeless
strugle) after there return to there time. Who will win?
Enemies Once Again
The Fall Of Zeal-
Weird thigs are happening in Zeal and Antria Schalas assitant is on edge
about it. This tells the tale of what was going on in zeal while Crono was
in the under sea palace.
The Fall Of Zeal - May 5th, 1998