Ridia is an avid writer and artist living in the western united states. One wishing to contact her can send her an AIM at IRidiaI or, whisper her as Ridia on Furcadia
Final Fantasy VII Fanfiction
Can We Forget the Things I Did When I Was Drunk- This one is about
FF7 characters and what can happen when they get drunk. It is a continuing
saga of inebriation and many a brain-fart, just some casual mental constipation.
Kinda entertaining if you like the characters. This is one of our first
'out-of-character-fics' so enjoy it!
Chapter 1: Reno by
Ridia Seascar &
PhoenixStar- June
27th, 2000
Ethereal- A
free writing that had no particular aim. I rather like the way it turned
out, though some wordings are rather akward. Very short. TURKS.
Ethereal - May 6th, 2003
Accomplished- Elena has a mission; her first mission ever to prove
herself WORTHY of the Turks. Can she do it? Will she suceed? Is the title
merely misleading? All this and more!!
Mission Accomplished - May 6th,
Tainted- A short
fic based around Vincent and Yuffie. It's complete, but it seems like there
could be more. I might one day add onto it, with this as a sort of prelude
to a first chapter. But, as it is, this is a one-part complete project. I
consider this one of my best writings ever.
Tainted - May 6th, 2003