Wild ARMs Quotes

Wild ARMs by Sony - Suggested by PanzerStar:
Real Power is the power to protect the ones you love.
- Jack Van Burace

Wild ARMs by Sony - Suggested by Icy Brian:
Is a world where innocent children and kind people are the first to die worth protecting?
- Calamity Jane

Wild ARMs by Sony - Suggested by Icy Brian:
You still don't get it, do you? That light is the Absolute Power. It's the power to go beyond yourself in order to protect the ones we love. That is the light of your new Courage...
- Elmina to Jack

Wild ARMs by Sony - Suggested by Milo McQueen:
Pure power does not discriminate; all power is destined to destroy.
- Zeikfried

Wild ARMs by Sony - Suggested by Wolflobe:
If the humans can turn hope into power, then I can turn desire into a blade...
- Boomerang

Wild ARMs by Sony - Suggested by Mahagda:
I came dancing all the way from the blazes of hell to settle the score with you humans!
- Zed

Video Game Quotes