The Story Of Magus Chapter 17
Old Friends, New Rivals
By ZealPropht
Two years have passed since the Mystic raid on Truce.
The damaged homes have been repaired and the wounded are healed. But the
memory lives on, burning in the minds of the men and women who live there,
fueled by their fear and anger. Around them, a war rages. The Humans have
not taken this affront lying down. Gathering their most able bodied men,
the ranks of the Knights swell, but not nearly enough to outmatch the Mystic
forces. The bloody path the Magus leaves behind after each battle is more
than enough to deplete the Human armies. The knights have come to dread going
into battle, much more than ever before, each one knowing that they might
encounter the pale Mystic captain with his flashing scythe and powerful magic
attacks. Yes, two long years pass have passed...
And yet, despite the horror and death surrounding them,
the Humans are still able to enjoy some small glimpse of hope and happiness.
The King of Guardia has chosen a bride. She is a lovely young woman from
a distant province. Her brother is serving in the army. Her name is Leene,
soon to be Queen of all Guardia, though everyone already acknowledges her
as such. And on an even lighter note, a Hero has arisen! He is strong and
virtuous with a heart of compassion and a driving need to eliminate the evil
from the land, starting with the Mystic hoards. But more importantly, he
has declared that he will not rest till the scourge known as the Magus is
"So, a Hero has been born, eh?"
Slash nodded his head. "Yes, Lord Ozzie. I was not able to determine his
name, but he is apparently a great warrior who has impressed many of the
sub-commanders under the Knight Captain." The blue swordsman paused. "He
also defeated your cousin and won back the Hero's Medal."
"WHAT?!" Ozzie exclaimed. Slash hastily dropped to one
knee and bowed his head. "Are you saying that the Frog King has been slain?
The Lord of the Mires, the Emperor of the Swamps, my COUSIN?!"
"Not slain, my lord. He managed to escape with his life,
but the Hero's Medal was forfeit in the battle."
Ozzie sank down into a pile of cushions and rubbed his
temples. They were in his private audience chamber with it's deep feather-filled
cushions and plenty of snacks and wine for him and his guest to stuff themselves
with. Since Drek's untimely demise, the Mystic leader had been forced to
rely on Slash to do his scouting for him. He couldn't be trusted the way
Ozzie had trusted Drek, but the swordsman was more reliable then the bumbling
Henchs or the sly Naggettes. "So tell me, what is this so-called hero
"That I can't say."
Ozzie stopped rubbing and looked at his kneeling lieutenant
with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"
"Only what I have said. I did not see this hero for myself,
though many speak of him."
"Hmm." Ozzie rubbed his chins thoughtfully. "This is
disturbing news. Could this Hero be a ploy to get us to act rashly in an
attempt to thwart their plans?" Slash didn't answer and it was just as well.
Ozzie hadn't really expected any sort of reply from the man. Drek would have
been able to tell him all he had wanted to know. That bird had really known
how to do his job well! Too bad Slash was too much of an idiot to be a good
"A Hero, huh? Well, I hope this one is more of a challenge
then the people I've been facing lately."
At the sound of that low, sarcastic voice, Ozzie nearly
jumped out of his skin. "Damn you, Janus. How dare you come into my private
rooms without permission!" Walking so smoothly that his cape barely moved,
the young man came up to the seated Mystic leader and bowed.
"Ozzie, you should know by now that I will come and go
where and when I please." Ignoring the waiting decanter of wine at his elbow,
he seated himself and instead conjured up a glass of cold water with a twist
of lemon in it. Tossing it back with gusto, he drained the contents of the
glass and spit the lemon rind back into it before setting it aside.
"Hmph! Fine words for a child," Slash growled, moving
from his kneeling position into one of the cushions. "You should respect
your elders."
"And you should learn to respect your betters."
"I will if I meet one."
Janus snorted. "I am the Magus. How much better can you
get?" Slash ground his teeth together at the man's arrogant tone of voice.
"You don't really believe all the propaganda our troops
are spreading, do you?" Janus didn't respond. Slash shook his head. "Sweet
Darkness! And here I thought you actually had some brains."
"Gentleman, gentleman, please!" Ozzie reproached as Janus
smiled evilly and started reaching for his scythe. "Slash, lay off the boy!
He has done us a lot of good these past two years. Does it really matter
if Janus has a nickname? At least it keeps those Human scum in line." Slash
hesitated, then nodded reluctantly in agreement. Ozzie noted that Janus still
hadn't removed his hand from the pommel of his weapon. During the past two
years, he had proven himself a daring and powerful warrior. Despite earlier
protests that he would never again fight for the Mystic army, Ozzie's prodding
had finally managed to convince the young man that the more he killed, the
easier it would become. Janus still looked on the thought of killing with
revulsion, however. Yes, the murders, as he saw them, became easier with
each fresh victim until he barely hesitated in a confrontation. He tended
to avoid a one-on-one battle if he could help it. Janus much preferred to
stay in the back and toss his magic into the fray. This damaged not only
the Human armies but the Mystic troops as well. Not that he cared if his
side lost. It didn't matter if he hurt the faceless masses. It was seeing
a face before his, screwed up with anger, then watching the anger melt into
fear and pain as his magic or blade severed their link to the living that
he hated. After each battle, his nightmares would grow more vivid and terrifying.
Many times in a cold sweat, he'd awake screaming in Ozzie's arms. Janus could
never bring himself to turn away from the small amount of comfort Ozzie would
offer, in between begging the young man not to accidentally blow up the castle
in his delirium.
Those moments of weakness made Janus hate himself and
hate Ozzie for catching him with his inner barriers down. But in the darkness,
a darkness that was and was not Lavos, with the screams of his victims ringing
in his ears and their bloody faces leering at him, those small, flabby, green
arms holding his shaking body tightly were a welcome relief. He would rest
his head against Ozzie's shoulder and clench his teeth to fight back the
hysterical sobbing that choked his throat. Through the layers of blubber,
the steady drum of the Mystic's heart, slightly agitated by his concern,
would drown out the screams he could still hear. The gentle way Ozzie would
rub his back and whisper meaningless words about how it would get easier
with each new kill comforted him. Ozzie was living, a life-vest in a sea
of blood that flooded his mind in which he was drowning. After the shaking
subsided, Ozzie would push Janus back down against the pillow, wiping the
sweat from the young magician's face with the sleeve of his robe, and cover
him up again with blankets. In the singsong words of magic, he would lull
Janus into a deep, healing sleep, one mercifully free of dreams.
The next morning, Janus would be so terribly cold towards
everyone. Standing near him, one would actually feel a chill to the air that
was not entirely a figment of one's imagination. He would always make a vow
that he would no longer fight in this war for the Mystic's cause. But Ozzie's
cajoling always won out int the end. It would be good for him, Ozzie had
said, and would raise the moral of their troops while weakening the courage
of the Human warriors. Even Slash had added that it would help the training
Janus had received, since using a scythe was different then using a sword.
The blue swordsman hadn't been too thrilled when Janus stubbornly insisted
that he would keep the rusty farming tool as a weapon.
"It just fits so easily in my hand," Janus had stated,
giving the scythe a few swings.
"A sword is easier to handle, though," Slash had grumbled
in response. "You have more control of the movements it makes. There is less
drag because the blade is thinner than with a scythe. The flat of the blade
isn't fighting against you as badly. Besides, a sword is much more elegant."
Janus had merely scoffed. He didn't want elegance, he had said. He wanted
a weapon that wouldn't force him to hack at the enemy to accomplish his goal.
"Well, whether it keeps the Humans in line or not, your
precious Janus seems to believe that what everyone is saying is true," Slash
muttered, snapping everyone back to the present. Ozzie merely shrugged.
"Who would dispute his claim to that name?"
"No one, and I would deeply appreciate you not speaking
of me as if I wasn't here," Janus said softly. Ozzie looked flustered and
quickly patted the young man's arm.
"Of course, my dear boy. We didn't mean to give offense.
Sometimes, Slash and I get carried away in an argument and we ramble." As
Magus' gaze coldly stared at the hand the Mystic had dared lay on the magician's
arm, Ozzie snatched it back and wrung it nervously as if it had been burned
by the contact.
"So, what are we going to do about this self-proclaimed
hero walking the land?" Slash drew out a dagger from somewhere on his person
and tested the edge before carefully cleaning his fingernails. "I don't like
the idea of some idiot out there stirring up the stinking masses into thinking
they have a chance of defeating us." Magus snorted and crossed his arms over
his chest.
"According to your own report, this person has already
defeated your forces several times. It seems to me, you might want to turn
command of the field over to someone more competent if you can't handle it
yourself," he stated bluntly. Slash turned dark purple as blood rushed to
his cheeks in anger.
"Are you saying I'm unfit to lead the Mystic armies into
battle?" the blue man sputtered. The hand that clenched itself around the
dagger he held trembled in barely contained fury as he resisted the urge
to plunge nine inches of cold steel into the youth's left eye. "You had best
watch your words, kid. Greater men then you have died for less."
"Down boys!" Ozzie chuckled. "As much as I'd like to
see you two go at it one on one, I'm afraid you're both far too valuable
to me alive right now." Looking thoughtfully at Magus, he rubbed his triple
chins. "Since you expressed so much interest in this particular subject,
perhaps you'd be willing to go on a scouting mission for me."
"I told you last time, Ozzie. I'm not helping you out
with this war anymore. You want something done, use your lackeys like Slash
to do your dirty work. Or send pathetic wretches like Flea who are expendable.
It would be a mercy if she were to be killed, anyway. Send a useless creature
like her to gather your information, but leave me out of it."
There was a strangled cry which was the only warning
that Magus had to prepare himself for the attack. Slash bowled him over and
had the dagger poised above Janus' heart. "Bastard! Take it back! You made
Flea the way she is today!" the blue-skinned man screamed in rage. One hand
was locked around the magician's throat, choking the life out of him while
the other sought to stab the dagger deep into the other man's chest. Ozzie
reached out with his mind and wrapped his power around Slash, pulling him
off and holding him immobile. He held out a hand to Janus who slapped it
"I'll eat his liver for breakfast!" Magus choked out
between coughing and gasping for breath. He made a lurch towards the frozen
Slash who growled.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ozzie's sudden temper was not uncommon,
but the force of power he suddenly excreted made two sets of eyes give him
a look of respect. "You two are like rams, butting heads at every turn with
no regard for the feelings of others! What about me? I don't want to sit
here and listen to this bickering. We're in the middle of a war, gentlemen.
Infighting amongst ourselves will not assure us a long rule over the Humans."
He looked at Janus who was rubbing the livid finger marks Slash had left
on his pale throat. "Magus, this is an order. Go out there and find me that
Hero these humans are speaking of. I want as much information as you can
find. Now go."
"As you wish, Lord Ozzie." The cutting edge in Janus'
voice told Ozzie that he wasn't thrilled about being ordered to do something,
let alone the type of assignment it was. The arrogance in the magician couldn't
stand to take orders and Ozzie considered the command to be a suitable punishment
for the headstrong young man. Bowing, Magus wrapped himself in his cape and
vanished without so much as a ripple in the air to tell he'd ever stood in
that spot. Looking at Slash, he walked up and poked a finger in his chest.
"You idiot! Why do you keep baiting him like that? Don't
you realize that you're toying with a player out of your league?" Ozzie snarled.
Slash could only blink angrily and make inarticulate sounds of rage, frozen
as he was. His eyes said what his voice could not. I can take him! In
a fair fight, I could beat him! "You're so stupid, Slash," Ozzie remarked
acidly, releasing the warrior from his spell. As if reading the blue man's
mind, he said, "Flea was the toughest and meanest Mystic I have had the occasion
of knowing and even she wasn't a match for the Magus. What makes you think
that you, with almost no magic at all, could even stand a chance against
the likes of him?"
"I'm not so weak as you might think! My swordsmanship
is beyond compare! That boy won't stand a chance against me!"
"Are you blind or do you just refuse to acknowledge the
truth? Your sword skills won't mean a thing in a one-on-one confrontation
with Magus! I doubt that he'd even let you draw Slasher from it's scabbard
before he'd send you to the next dimension." Taking a breath to help calm
himself, Ozzie couldn't resist the last jab. "And there are worse things
then death, Slash. Remember what happened to Flea, after all."
Slash bit his lip and cast his eyes down. Those words
hurt and Ozzie knew it. While Flea and the warrior had never been what humans
would call an "item," they had a sort of love-hate relationship that let
them work well as a team as well as be occasional lovers. Their ambitions
were the same. Both Mystics wanted to be Leader of the Hoards but there was
an almost friendly rivalry between them. Each one knew that a knife in the
back would not be taken as a personal offense, only as another maneuver to
get ahead in their political chess match. Such a move would even earn the
other "player" the respect from their partner player. It was expected. The
more intricate the scheme, the greater the humiliation or fall from favor,
the greater the "score" to the player who had caused it. It was all one very
big, and rather enjoyable, game to the two Mystics. At least, it had
Then Flea had gotten obsessed. The game had taken a deadly
serious turn when Janus had entered the picture. She hated him with a passion
and wanted him dead. It was because of that obsession that she was now a
mad wretch of a woman. Her insanity was not one of a violent or psychotic
kind, but one where she constantly replayed the instant of her failure to
defeat Janus in a battle of magic. The secret force that all magicians wielded
was her life. She had trusted in it to get her through anything. But that
trust had been betrayed, leaving a wound greater then anything a human or
Mystic could inflict. Her magic hadn't been enough to defeat him and
that betrayal was what had shattered her mind. Not any physical attack, but
the spiritual demise of a belief.
Ozzie watched the various emotions play across the
swordsman's face, though the other Mystic was trying to keep them hidden.
The fat green leader had a strong point which was his ability to read people
like a book. He wouldn't have stayed alive so long in his harsh world if
it hadn't been for this unique gift. It had helped him tell who his friends
and supporters were and who would sell out on him at a moment's notice. Right
now, Slash was as clear as crystal. Talking about Flea had put him back in
his place, reminding him who was in charge here and that Magus, while still
a force all to himself, was also a weapon Ozzie could unleash at any time.
Still, Slash had never been one at open rebellion before. He had always left
that up to Flea. Ozzie knew he would have to be twice as cautious now as
when he had dealt with the female Mystic. He had years experience under his
belt from competing with her for the throne. He knew all her tactics. Slash,
on the other hand, was new to the game, as far as Ozzie was concerned, and
he had no idea how this blue man worked. What were his styles of intrigue?
A knife between the ribs in a dark hallway? Strangulation? Poison?
"If that will be all, my lord, may I be excused?" Slash
asked, interrupting his superior from his thoughts. Ozzie waved a hand in
vague dismissal and cocked his head as Slash bowed and vanished from sight
in a white light that dimmed the torches of the room. Perhaps he should employ
a taste-tester for his food...
The ground mist clung to his boots like pale, dead hands
as he walked. Each time he moved, tendrils would tear off and merge again
with the rest. Like the ghosts of the dead that can never be at rest until
Magus is destroyed, he thought. They are pleading with me to put an
end to their suffering. They want me to draw my sword and ease their pain
with one swift stroke to the neck of that villain. Taking up his lookout
position under a tree, Cyrus used his ragged cape to fan away the mist that
was still creeping after his wake. Take comfort, wandering souls. Soon
you shall be at rest. This solemn vow I pledge to you.
"Thinking morbid thoughts again, Cyrus?"
The young soldier didn't jump at the voice, even though
it had snuck up on him with such stealth that, had it belonged to an enemy,
he would have been dead by now. "I guess you could say that, Glenn." He looked
with affection at his younger friend. Glenn was small, barely up to his shoulder,
and looked comical in armor that was too big for him. His forest green hair
was brushed back from his face and tied with a leather strip. A few economical
braids were woven in as well. When let down, his hair fell in soft waves
down his back with an almost feminine look. His face was youthful, without
a hint of stubble that so prominently marked Cyrus. Days on the battlefield
had a way of disrupting his normal habits of bathing and the like. But despite
the dust and scratches from battle that covered them both, Glenn's boyish
good-looks shone through like sunlight from behind rain clouds. Cyrus, on
the other hand, while still retaining his handsome demeanor, had a new coldness
about him, one that made him look older then what he was. His face was matured
by grief and the ravages of war. Yes, he smiled affectionately at his younger
companion, but it was a sad smile, one that longed for his own youth again
and for the boy who stood beside him, wasting his own childhood on this stupid
war as well.
"What are you doing, standing here alone with naught
but specters for company?" Glenn reprimanded him. "Come. Warm thyself by
the fire and partake of some hot broth. 'Tis rich with beef stock and vegetables
and will surely warm thy soul as well as thy innards."
"Maybe later," Cyrus told him, leaning his head back
against the tree trunk. "I'm on watch right now."
"Ah, I see." With a resigned sigh, Glenn plopped down
on the ground. "Then I shall stay and keep thee company and we shall take
our watch together." Cyrus couldn't help but chuckle silently. The fancy,
old-fashioned way Glenn spoke had always reminded him of his father. He spoke
so charmingly that it was hard to find fault with the boy. The smile faded
on the older warrior's lips. Boy. He was only twenty years old, three years
older then Glenn, and he already thought of Glenn as nothing more then a
child. War changes people, he mused, looking up at the stars. It
makes them into people we don't know. It's frightening. Have I really aged
so much? My spirit feels like lead inside me. Whatever happened to the
enthusiastic child I had once been? It's only been two years and yet it feels
like two hundred...
"Lost in thought again, I see." Glenn laughed a little
and rested his hand on his sword hilt to reassure himself of it's presence.
Suddenly he blurted, "I feel so strange."
"Do you? Why?"
"Remember that talk we had, on the bridge?"
"Yes. What about it?"
"I was remembering our conversation. I was thrilled when
you said you were off to join His Majesty's army."
"Oh, yes. I remember that. And I told you that I thought
you should enlist too."
Glenn nodded slowly. "That you did. I was thinking, earlier,
about how odd it all seemed. I said I did not think I could be able to stand
hurting people and yet, here I am."
Cyrus pushed himself away from the tree and took a few
steps forwards. "I was a fool. I should not have asked you to join. I was
weak. I wanted revenge on the person who had stolen my dreams from me and
splashed mud on my father's good name." He lowered his head. "But...I did
not want to face the winding path alone. Ever since my...friend...died, I
had been in mourning. Your friendship and that of Leene's brother have made
this dark trip bearable. For that, I owe you both a greater debt then any
I could ever hope to repay."
"Do not give it a second's thought, Cyrus. 'Tis friendship
given freely and unconditionally. We admire you and trust you, not only as
our companion at arms but as a mentor and leader." Pausing, Glenn scratched
the back of his head in awkward silence. "Forgive me. My tongue often speaks
what is in my heart and not what is in my head." Cyrus looked over his shoulder
at the boy and fixed him with a quiet stare. There was sadness in those eyes,
eyes too old to belong to someone so young.
"Don't lose that innocence Glenn. No matter what you
do in this war, no matter what you see, if you value our friendship at all,
don't ever lose that ability to say what you feel. Once you lose it, you
will never find it again." Glenn gave him a sympathetic look. It hurt to
see how the boy who used to stand up for him against bullies, who used to
gently tease him about his hair and girlish looks, who taught him how to
sword fight had become this bitter replica of what Cyrus once was. All he
could do was nod mutely and extend silent comfort as he stood and departed,
sensing that his friend probably wanted to be left alone now. Cyrus heard
him go but he didn't call after him to stay. Not only did he need the time
to clear his thoughts, but watches were best performed alone. There was less
chance of distraction to miss something, like the sound of a light footstep
on a dry leaf, heavy breathing that was trying to be concealed, or the jingle
of mail under a cloak that could all mean an enemy was approaching.
Drawing his sword, he sat down on some exposed roots
and leaned his back against a tree, setting the naked blade across his lap,
careful not to let it catch any light and give away his position to whatever
could be out there. He had always hated standing watch. It was lonely and
tense. While others in his unit might have found it to be merely boring,
Cyrus knew the danger of letting the monotony get to you, causing you to
lower your guard. He was lucky to be out here, anyway, on the battle field
that he had so longed to see. All that time of hard work to impress his
commanders had paid off when he had finally decided to go after the Hero's
Medal which had been lost for many years to the Frog King and his lackeys.
The amphibian lord was rumored to be a distant relative to the Mystics. All
the slimy, lowlife scum in the kingdom stuck together it seemed. Winning
the Medal back hadn't been too hard, as a matter of fact. It was a mystery
why no one had tried to take it back sooner. Glenn had been with him at the
time, he remembered. The boy had fought bravely against the toads and other
reptiles that had besieged them. It was more butcher's work then anything,
since there were so many unarmed amphibians attacking them, hoping to overwhelm
them with their numbers. And all for a shiny bit of metal, he thought ruefully.
While his mind toyed with that memory, his hand uncontiously
went up to his right breast where the Hero's Medal itself was pinned to his
armor. The royal crest of Guardia was emblazoned on the front. Underneath
that very spot, protected under his breastplate and over his heart, was a
silk handkerchief that Leene had given him before he'd come out here to the
front and in gratitude for returning the Hero's Medal to the royal family.
The King had been so ecstatic that he had proclaimed Cyrus a true Knight
of the Square Table, an honor that he could scarcely believe. He had regained
the family honor, at last. And yet, even this news couldn't outshine the
radiance of his Queen.
He could still imagine the smell of her perfume and the
way his heart had beat like thunder in his chest as she had reached into
the bodice of her gown and removed the square of material with her initials
on the corner. Their hands had touched briefly as she had handed it to him
and even though he had been wearing the standard battle gloves of all soldiers,
it felt as if he had touched some alchemist's rod that was charged with electric
energy. "Take this small token of Our esteem," she had said in her soft,
musical way that always had a way of making his breath catch and his knees
weak. The way she inserted the "Royal We" into the sentence was not in the
least condescending. He had carefully folded the creme colored silk and placed
it inside his mail shirt, fully aware that the Chancellor was glaring at
him with impotent fury. It was a mark on his private scorecard that he had
managed to one-up the old man in the Queen's eyes. Cyrus had dropped to one
knee and taken Leene's hand in his, bowing over it. "Go with Our blessing,
Sir Cyrus," she had continued, smiling. Nothing could have compared to her
perfection at that moment and as his lips reverently placed a chaste kiss
on the back of her hand, her perfume once again washed over him from her
inner wrist. Later, in the privacy of his room in the knight's barracks,
he had removed the handkerchief and rubbed it against his face, reliving
the moment. He still remembered with crystal clarity that the Queen's skin
had felt the exact same way as it passed over his lips. Soft, like rose petals
warmed by the sun, that's how it had felt like.
A smile passed over Cyrus' face. He liked Leene. Very
much. And he knew she returned the sentiment. It was unfortunate that she
was married to the King. Not that he begrudged his monarch a wife, but it
was such a pity that it had to be the woman that he was attracted to. A small
bit of him felt ashamed to admit that he was having an attraction to another
man's wife, but try as he might, he couldn't dismiss the feeling. Oh, well.
As long as nothing came of that attraction, he would be fine. But even as
he thought this, he felt again the velvet of her skin on his lips and his
mind wandered to whether her lips felt the same way...
Sitting up straighter, the warrior tensed. He scanned
the darkness slowly and listened intently. Had that been the sound of a twig
snapping? The wind was blowing softly and it drowned out little sounds as
it passed through the forest, stirring leaves and the like. Yes, he confirmed
silently as he heard the sound yet again. And there it was again! Now, it
could be some animal, but that was unlikely. Most of the wildlife had been
scared away by the fighting that had been going on in and around the woods
the past few days. And whatever was creeping through the brush was big. Smiling
a bit in amusement, he had to marvel how loud Mystics could be when they
were trying to be quiet. Getting onto his knees he quietly began to track
the sound to it's origin, keeping hold of his sword firmly in his hand. After
a bit, he saw a shape that blended almost perfectly with the darkness. They
were wearing some sort of dark colored cloak that covered them from head
to toe and the hem was apparently caught on brambles. I have you now,
Mystic, he thought to himself, getting ready to spring.
"If Ozzie thinks I'm going to do manual labor for him
like some common lackey, he's dead wrong. I have better things to do with
my time then waste it on his stupid war," Magus fumed. The double doors at
the front of Ozzie's Fort blew open and crashed against the stone wall with
enough force to crack the hard wood as he approached them. A part of his
mind reminded him that he really didn't have anything better to do with his
time but he firmly pushed the thought aside. Damn that fat green blob of
a Mystic, he thought angrily. Who did he think he was to order him around?
Didn't he realize that with a single burst of power, Magus could destroy
his precious little fort and all the Mystics within it? That would end their
war on a sour note, to be sure. That would teach them to treat him in such
an undignified manner.
For a moment, Magus stopped and actually thought about
doing it. Who would miss a bunch of dirty, evil Mystics? He'd be doing those
humans a favor. The King would probably call him a hero for it. Appalled
at the thoughts of such casual slaughter of innocents, even if the were Mystics,
made him shake his head in disgust and keep walking. What an animal he'd
become. He was no better then the Mystics were. The King wouldn't care if
he obliterated every last Mystic from the face of the planet. All the Humans
would see is the Mystic war hero, Magus. They wouldn't see him as some grand
savior who had delivered them from the war and death that was plaguing the
land. They would see their loved ones cut down by his blade and their homes
destroyed by his magic. Their form of thanks would be his body tied to a
stake in the middle of a blazing bonfire.
Stopping in the last puddle of light from the castle
behind him, he pulled up the hood on his cloak and made sure that his scythe
was properly attached to his belt. It was best to make all last minute checks
now before he encountered a Human. How unfortunate it would be if his cover
was blown and his weapon was stuck. Not that he would let them take him alive,
that is. If worse came to worse, he'd die in his magic and take his captors
with him. In some ways, part of him almost wished for the chance to do that.
Then the images of his failed suicide attempt came back to him, even if it
had only been in his mind. Coward, he hissed at himself.
Bloodstained, murdering coward! Closing his eyes, he formed an image
in his mind of the place where he wanted to go. Tugging at his power, he
felt a lurch as his body dissolved in the darkness and teleported to where
he wanted to go. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in another
forest, very similar to the one outside Ozzie's Fort. However, this one was
the camping ground for the Guardian armies. Immediately he fell into a battle
stance, scanning the area around him. The problem with teleports was that
you could never be certain that you weren't appearing smack dab over a cliff
or in the middle of someone's house. Luckily, he knew exactly where he had
wanted to go. The only problem was whether there were enemies around. Using
his power a little to heighten his night vision, he looked over the immediate
area. The smell of cook fires was on the wind. So was the smell of horses
and more unpleasant,the stench of the latrines. But then the breeze had passed
and all that was left was the lingering smell of death and blood that had
soaked into the very ground upon which he stood. He was sure that both sides
hadn't buried and burned all their dead yet. There were just too many casualties
on both side to have cleared the bodies up in one day. The ground mist made
walking dangerous, since it was hard to tell where there were dips and roots
in the ground. Well, he'd have to take a chance of a broken ankle if he stepped
wrong but it couldn't be avoided. He'd just have to deal with it. Using his
cape, he fanned away the mist as best he could to clear a path for him to
Magus carefully kept near trees when he could and darted
across open spaces as fast and silently as a cat. Each shadow could contain
a sentry with a crossbow that was just waiting to sniper him as he hurried
from clearing to clearing. The trees themselves could be hiding an unseen
guard who could sneak up behind him and attack him that way. Though the Knight's
Code forbade backstabbing, it didn't mean that the person could sneak up
from behind, startle the enemy so that they turned around, and plunge their
sword into the enemy's guts. Speaking of which, Magus realized that he would
have to be doubly careful, now that he was this close to the enemy camp.
It was one thing to be trying to sneak by without detection. What he was
trying to do was sneak into camp and learn the latest gossip of the troops.
Magus' lip curled in a sneer as once again he was reminded how menial a job
this was.
In the distance, the light of the campfires made the
mist take on an orangish-pink glow. Getting as close as he dared by walking,
Magus dropped to his stomach and crawled towards the light. It was painfully
slow going because dead leaves covered the forest floor and they would crunch
with all the loudness of a thunder clap, amplified by the mist. Eventually
he wormed his way up to the tents that were stationed for the commanders.
A ring of guards was posted all the way around each one, preventing him from
even getting close. Discouraged, but not daunted, he moved on. As he went,
a smell started assaulting his nose. It was earthy and foul. Eventually he
saw the reason why. The stables. Lines of cavalry horses were feeding and
drinking from troughs that had been hastily erected. Some hapless young man
was shoveling the horse dung onto a growing pile. This was getting him nowhere.
Teleporting a safe distance away from the camp, Magus got to his feet and
paced. The whole camp was swarming with people. There was no logical way
he could get close enough to hear anything important. As he paced, he fanned
his cape around himself, irritably shooing away the mist that clung to him.
As he did so, the material accidentally got snagged in a thornbush. Pausing,
he absently tried to shake it free but only succeeded in making it more tangled.
This only aggravated his already thin temper. Magus took firm hold and yanked,
pulling part of the cloak free and taking part of the bush along with it
in a loud crackling of branches. Freezing dead still, he mentally kicked
himself in the pants for having let emotion cloud the dangerous situation
he was in. All that noise would probably attract a sentry. As he tossed ideas
around in his head about what to do, a sudden idea hit him. What would happen
if he was able to corner a lone guard and question him?
Reaching out his powers, he felt for the presence of
any approaching danger. He brushed against something coming his way. He had
little time to put his plan into action. Untying the drawstring under his
throat, he used his Shadow magic to create a dense black ball that levitated
about where his head should be. Stuffing it into the hood of his cloak, it
pulled the material upwards making it look like a person stood before him,
rather then a disembodied cloak and magic ball. Assuring himself that everything
was in order, Magus levitated up into the branches of a nearby tree to watch
and wait. As he had hoped, some lone guard was sneaking up on his empty cloak
thinking it was containing a person. Grinning to himself that his plan had
actually worked, he thought smugly to himself, I have you now, Human!